Valley Connect Outreach Association

P.O. Box 224
Kentville, NS
B4N 2W4



About Us

Connect Outreach is an experienced group of community volunteers reimaged service to people in need in 2022 and have partnered to assure that a vibrant street outreach continues for people who are marginalized and at-risk in the Annapolis Valley. The focus of the associated Community Soup Kitchen remains as it was at it's founding in 1986 ~ food, faith & friendship. Our objectives are well under way with more than 120 volunteers, an outreach centre in Middleton and regular daily programming in Kentville. 

  • Food supports through the Community Soup Kitchen in Kentville and the Middleton Outreach Centre are now further complimented by several thousand pounds of food being given out each month and supporting individuals and families from Middleton to Hantsport. 
  • Emergency shelter remains a need that our team is uniquely qualified to operate. Guests are supported with self-directed “action plans” and direction to other community supports. Guests who are not from our region are encouraged back to their respective home communities. We believe we have an important role in crime prevention and helping our towns not becoming a catch-all for street involved people from throughout the broader region. 
  • Food, faith & fellowship together form bonds of friendship and a place of refuge for many through our weekly recovery programs and spiritual supports. The sense of new identity and purpose arising from this work results in people making healthy choices as guests and participants discover their inherent self-worth.   

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